Company profile

青岛华铁国际物流有限公司,是在积极响应国家“一带一路”的建设,适应新经济的转型,应对国际贸易的新形式,响应新技术和资本对物流行业的关注,结合国际对多式联运的产业支持成立的。 专业从事中亚、中欧班列的开发和运营工作,先后开通了成都到塔什干中欧班列,蓉欧快线,中泰(丹加拉)纺织二期项目设备往返班列线。 公司拥有一支年轻、专业,热情的从事国际铁路,公路联运的专业团队,90%操作人员拥有相关物流从业资质,熟练使用俄语、英语制作各类单证,为您设计较俭省,较快捷,较安全的运输物流方案。公司有着健全可靠的国际铁路,公路联运网络,海铁多式联运,可为您就近提供中国各地的国际铁路联运业务及其独联体、中亚各站发运至中国各地的国际铁路联运业务,公路联运,海铁多事联运等线路。公司对运作大型成套设备的国际铁路联运出口手续,国内外运输方案的设计和运作有着丰富的经验,可为不同的客户情况设计个性化的运输方案,对百货类货物通关、通检操作灵活,高效安全,提供运输动态跟踪服务。 为实现代理服务的质量提升,CRL着力构建“一站式”服务体系。您无需出门,只需拨通电话或提供网络指令,所有事情均由我们完成。从起点到终点、每阶段各环节都由我们用心操作,为您实现“安全、准确、专业、快捷”的服务承诺。 CRL奉行“沟通无止境,服务无极限”、 “客户的满意,是我们的愿望”的宗旨,让传递没有距离,服务无限延伸!我们将随时把握市场脉搏,愿意在任何时间给您提供贴心的服务。用扎实的业务水平,贴心的服务为客户提供安全,快捷,节省的运输物流服务。

The one belt, one road, Qingdao, China, is actively responding to the "one belt and one way" construction of the country, adapting to the new economic transformation, coping with the new form of international trade, responding to the attention of the new technology and capital to the logistics industry, and establishing the international support for the multimodal transport industry. Specializing in the development and operation of Central Asia and China Europe trains, it has successively opened the China Europe train from Chengdu to Tashkent, the Chengdu Europe Express, and the equipment shuttle train of China Thailand (Tangara) textile phase II project. The company has a young, professional and enthusiastic professional team engaged in international railway and road intermodal transport. 90% of the operators have relevant logistics qualifications and are proficient in making all kinds of documents in Russian and English, so as to design the most economical, fastest and safest transportation and logistics scheme for you. The company has a sound and reliable international railway, road intermodal transport network and sea railway intermodal transport, which can provide you with international railway intermodal transport business in all parts of China and international railway intermodal transport business from cis and Central Asia stations to all parts of China, road intermodal transport, sea railway intermodal transport and other lines. The company has rich experience in the design and operation of international railway intermodal export procedures for the operation of large complete sets of equipment and transportation schemes at home and abroad. It can design personalized transportation schemes for different customer conditions, operate flexibly, efficiently and safely for customs clearance and inspection of department store goods, and provide transportation dynamic tracking services. In order to improve the quality of agency services, CRL strives to build a "one-stop" service system. You don't need to go out, just dial the phone or provide network instructions, and everything is done by us. From the beginning to the end, all links in each stage are operated by us carefully to realize the service commitment of "safe, accurate, professional and fast". CRL pursues the tenet of "endless communication, unlimited service" and "customer satisfaction is our greatest wish", so that there is no distance for transmission and unlimited extension of service! We will grasp the pulse of the market at any time and are willing to provide you with considerate service at any time. With solid business level and considerate service, we provide customers with safe, fast and economical transportation and logistics services.